9 Things You Need to Excel in America Today and Going Forward

Thomas Davis
4 min readApr 23, 2018



“If what you do TODAY will define your TOMORROW, then that means the FUTURE is NOW.” — Oscar Bimpong

America is slowly undergoing a humongous transformation. Most people do not even realize this is going on. They go about their day and do not even think anything is going to change.

We are on the cusp of a gargantuan revolution in how we do anything and everything.

This is going to affect all parts of our lives. It will range from the money we use to buy things to the transportation we use to get us places.

It has the potential to dwarf the Industrial Revolution in disrupting everyone’s lives and nobody will be spared.

So you are probably thinking what can we do now to prepare for this change?

Here are my suggestions:

1. Learn or develop a skill you can freelance — The future of work is going to be one of the most affected parts of our lives. We can no longer depend on companies to take care of us. There are many courses and videos to help you in whatever you skill you have or learn I chose to develop my blogging ability and wrote an article recently here about it:

2. Learn about investing — Like it or not making money is how you are going to survive during this period. There are plenty of people to learn from about investing and hundreds of books and videos have been published to help you wade through all the various types. Cryptocurrencies, IRAs, bonds, stocks, mutual funds are just some of the various investment vehicles.

3. Focus on just your top 3 priorities in life — Sit down and think about what is important to your life and list them. Family, spouse, career, money, friends. Whatever it is just list them. Now pick the top 3 and make every decision in your life based on those 3 only. This will make your decision making almost automatic. Whatever decision you need to make ask yourself does it affect my top priorities? If no then do not do it. If yes choose the option that most positively affects your priorities.

4. Teach yourself about passive income and how to make it — We have all heard that rich people have at least 7 sources of income. Most of those are passive and do not require much attention. Sort of like set it and forget it. This could be anything from earning dividends on stocks to setting up an Amazon store to setting up a sales funnel.

5. Do not watch the news on channels like CNN, Fox News or MSNBC — The stations like everyone else have to make money. So how do they do this? They have to get ratings and how do they accomplish this? By running stories that are negative because that is what they think people want to watch. If you watch these programs you would think that the world is collapsing or on the brink of nuclear devastation. The more outlandish the story the more eyeballs on the screen.

6. Do not get involved with gossip or watercooler talk — If you have ever worked at a job in a company you may have noticed people love to talk. It is easy to get sucked in and once the gossip and rumors start massive amounts of time gets wasted. Do not sink to this level.

7. Do not be a loner — If we are to survive this massive change then you cannot nor will not do it alone. You will need help from other people. On the flip side you will help others as well. It is a win win for all. Be a giver not a taker.

8. Do not get angry at bullshit things — If someone cuts you off in traffic or is a blatant kiss ass at work do not react. This one will be challenging but once you get in the habit it will become easier over time. The stress even as little as screaming or cursing someone adds up and affects you long term. Besides don’t you want to be around to see how the future plays out?

9. Learn more about your family history — People who know about their family history are more resilience and better emotional well-being than people who do not. Dr. Marshall Duke, a psychologist at Duke, provided research found the more children knew of their family history, the stronger the sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-esteem and the more successfully their families’ functioned. Dr. Robyn Fivush and Dr. Duke developed a measure of 20 questions called the “Do You Know?” scale and asked children these questions.

This scale turned out to be the best single predictor of children’s emotional health and happiness. Wow that is a excellent scale.

I believe that it could be applied to adults as well. It is not too late to start learning about your family history.

Is this an end all and be all list? No not be any means but it will give you a big leap forward from those who sabotage their lives by doing the opposite of these things.



Thomas Davis
Thomas Davis

Written by Thomas Davis

Writer, motivational blogger, self-development,deep thinker, storyteller

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